Characterization for Playable Characters in Duel with the Damned. 

Written in March 2023.
The Sheriff’s favorite hobby is to put criminals behind bars where they belong. Each crime they solve and bring justice to is one fewer thing the people of Hell’s Gate have to worry about. The citizen’s safety is their first priority, and will always be. They are known for cracking down tight on Horse Thieves, ensuring criminals pay with their lives for breaking the West’s Code. They kept the peace for decades in the town, sorting out disagreements between citizens and reducing bloodshed. 

However, the Sheriff has been known to bend the rules on occasion, when skills criminals have could benefit the town. Not every thief, bandit, or cheater paid with their lives. Some they hand-picked after seeing potential and helped them become law abiding citizens. 

When the Hell Portal opened, the Sheriff gave his word to the Bandit and Gambler that, if the two fight beside them and work to close the portal, the Sheriff will be more lenient in his Code enforcement on them. 

The Sheriff is a crack shot and is very skilled with any gun, although they prefer to use their Revolver and Pistol as they have a narrower attack range and reduce the risk for civilian casualties. However, when they saw the demons approach, they pulled out their shotgun. They will protect the town from the Code-breaking demon hooligans at all costs. 

Abandoned by their parents at a young age, the Bandit took to stealing food, clothes, and other supplies to keep themselves alive. As time went on, they became more risky and adventurous in what they took. When they were around 10, they joined a gang. Like many gangs of the Old West, they toed both sides of the West’s Code, following or breaking it when it advantaged them. 

After joining a gang, the Bandit found life to be easier. They took on several roles within the gang and had people they could rely on for the first time in their life. They started specializing in robbing mines and creating explosives, making them a formidable foe. The Sheriff has been aware of the Bandit for a while and the two are often at odds with each other, the Bandit stealing from the Sheriff to irk them while the Sheriff works to trap the Bandit. The two have a symbiotic relationship. 

When the Bandit saw the demons from hell invading Hell’s Gate, they and their gang discussed it and determined they will protect the town so it remains for their looting. The Bandit offered to go first, taking their explosives with them. They use a mix of dynamite, Molotov cocktails, and firecrackers to blow their enemies to smithereens. 

If the Gambler had a middle name, it would be “Danger”. No matter the odds, the Gambler is always ready to make bets and win their reward. They are an expert at Poker, Faro, and Three Card Monty, to the point where they were often accused of cheating. They have been banned from several western towns including Deadwood, ND and were most recently banned from Tombstone, AZ. 

On several occasions, the Gambler ended up running for their life or holding duels with their opponents on one condition- they had to brawl with bare fists instead of a gun showdown. Thus, when demons started invading Hell’s Gate, the Gambler knew what to do. They had never once shied away from a challenge and pulled out their weapons to take on this demon horde in another grand fight for their life. 

The Gambler uses a mix of underhanded techniques and their fists to fight their opponents. They use their lasso to drag opponents closer and inflict damage at a close range. On occasion, they will use their whip to deal extra damage.